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Texture Molds Now Available!

Amy Shawley

Seasons Greetings!!  It's been a little while since I've last posted because I've been busy in the studio finishing up production on my texture molds.  I'm very happy to announce that they are NOW AVAILABLE!!  This project has been a long time coming and it's so exciting for me to share it with you all!  The molds have their own company name and website, you can find more information over at Texture Maven Molds!!

In other news, I completed another year of teaching last week with my final lecture of the year in the gorgeous Tiffany Gallery at the Arlington Art Center...

It was a wonderful event and a great way to wrap up what has been a HUGE year!  I want to thank everyone who I've worked with this year in California, Virginia, and Maryland!  I'm so grateful for having had the chance to work with artists and students on two different coasts - talking about paint is one of my very favorite things and I end this year feeling so full in my heart!  I'm looking forward to another fun year of teaching and travel in 2015!!  Check out my workshops calendar to see where I'll be in the new year, I hope to see you all soon!