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News from the Studio

Amy Shawley

Hello friends and readers!  I've had the great opportunity the past couple months to do some travel around my new work territory and meet some amazing artists, thank you all for making me feel so welcome in Virginia!  Those of you that are new to my site, thank you for visiting!

I'm happy to report that I'm just a couple weeks away from launching my first line of texture molds!  This is something that's been cooking for about a year and I'm in the last stages of development with it which makes me very happy!  I've decided to go with a translucent silicone for the final product and I'm in love with it!!  Stay tuned for more information on the first mold styles that will be available, I will have them in my online store the first week of December!  

I keep promising video tutorials, and they ARE coming, I'm writing outlines for them this week and they will start to appear on my blog in early December since the first one will be how to use my molds :) 

Due to the production on my molds, my book writing has been pushed back a bit and the new projected date for releasing my book on acrylic textures is late January/early February!!  I know, I know... I didn't want to rush the final product before the holidays, and this gives me more time to find placement in retail stores!  After its release, I will be traveling to promote the book - the southern California tour will be in mid/late February and the DC area/mid-Atlantic tour will be March-May!  I look forward to seeing you all!

I'm resuming my QoR Watercolor challenge and sat down today to work on this Violet-tailed Sylph!  It was one of the hummingbirds I had the pleasure of seeing and photographing when I was in Ecuador - what a little beauty!  This is the first in a series of Ecuadorian birds I will be painting, hopefully my travel schedule will allow me to keep up with this daily but I'm aiming for at least a few a week!