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The Places We Go

Amy Shawley

This was one of those weeks where everything took more time than expected and nothing really went to plan, but the days were full of great surprises and now I have some exciting projects in the works that I can't wait to share as soon as all of the details are ironed out!  Now here it is almost midnight on a Friday and I finally get to squeak in my blog post before a weekend of teaching!

One of the tasks on my plate this week was to finish up a new series of paintings for a show I'm hanging at my local bookstore.  Between my big move last year, teaching, working on my book/ebooks, more teaching, travel, etc - I haven't hung a new series of work anywhere in almost three years!  Wow!  Regarding my newest paintings, I've felt so compelled to interpret my surroundings here in Virginia, which has led me to decide that this month's blog theme is "The places we go".  This could be a physical location or somewhere you visit in your mind that inspires what you are making creatively - as I post this month, I invite you to share your inspiration with me!

I'm back to painting on a more regular basis (hooray!!) so all of the posts in June will be related to the places I go and the art I'm making that is inspired by them.  This week: Virginia!  Last year at this time I started the process of relocating to central Virginia and it's hard for me to grasp how quickly that time has passed.  A lot of it has been spent appreciating the enchanting beauty of this place and I felt it only fitting that my new paintings relate to this experience!  Here are a few landscapes for now and I will share the rest next week - I have become a little obsessed with the ever-changing skies as they dance across the countryside...

Sunrise, Morning, Afternoon, Sunset.