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Roadtrip Minis

Amy Shawley

 A year ago this week I was driving through Utah with my Mom.  It was the first leg of my move from Los Angeles to Virginia and since I'm such a rocks and minerals geek, I made it a point to spend more days driving through a state full of geological wonders!  I wasn't sure how my Mom would enjoy it, but she was totally floored - we both were and we still talk about how amazing the landscape was and how we'd go back in a heartbeat!  I can't believe how fast that time has gone!  


Also around this time last year I started creating miniature landscapes of the places I'd traveled to.  I liked the idea of putting grand vistas on a 4x4 inch panel - how much can you capture on such a small substrate?  Each mini is done in oil and almost always alla prima (in one sitting).  There were a few occasions with the minis where I had to add a second layer to amplify my colors, but the goal was to create a loose capture of the location.  I entertain the idea of putting together a book of these someday, but I'd like to gather more source material before then, which means - more travel adventures! :)

To celebrate a full year since the Great American Roadtrip, here are some mini's inspired by my roadtrip destinations!




Death Valley

