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Returning to regularly scheduled programming...

Amy Shawley

I'm back!!  After a long absence from regular blogging due to my big move/settling in VA, developing Texture Maven Molds, publishing my book, all the fun I've had from teaching and travel, then rebuilding after a hard-drive crash - I'm back, and it sure does feel good!

I have some fun ideas for this blog in the weeks and months ahead, including video tutorials (finally), but the first idea I want to revisit is something I did a few years ago: a monthly theme!  Starting this month, I will be posting a blog each week with each month focusing on a different theme.  The themes will be varied and randomly chosen, and I encourage you to submit theme ideas! April's theme is: RED.  Throughout the month I will be blogging on topics that have to do with Red.  Look for painting ideas, history & technical info, artist links, and supporting visuals that will help boost your creativity and understanding of the theme!

Blogs will be posted on Wednesday, so stay tuned!  The first one for April goes up 4/8!

Since I haven't been active much on here lately, I thought I'd post a few images to recap what I've been up to...

Winter provided a good reason to hibernate in my studio and finish the book...


I drove to Georgia to pick up my books in person from Colorwise.  They were a dream to work with and made my dreams come true - I recommend checking them out if any of you are interested in self-publishing and need to source your own commercial printer.  

My books on display at San Clemente Art Supply! Be sure to drop by to pick up a copy! Owner Patti Herdell is one of the sweetest most gracious women I have ever worked with, thank you Patti for such a wonderful visit!

Signing books at Raw Materials in DTLA - a fabulous store in my old neighborhood!  They have a few copies in stock, so go support this amazing small DTLA business and say hello to Celia, Jim and Wonton! 

