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Announcing: Acrylic Texture Techniques

Amy Shawley

 I am thrilled to annouce that my first book has been published!!  Acrylic Texture Techniques: Rock, Metal & Wood will be released on February 23, 2015 with the pre-sale starting Feb 16!  Not only will the book be available soon, I am starting a book tour at the end of the month to promote it!  The first dates are in the LA area and can be found below, I hope to see you there!!





Book Release Tour - LA:


Be sure to RSVP by Feb 21 to reserve a copy of Acrylic Texture Techniques


San Clemente Art Supply

Wednesday February 25

Time: 11am - 1pm

Location: 1531 N El Camino Real, San Clemente, CA 92672

Free to attend, RSVP to reserve your copy of the book ($24.99)

RSVP: (949) 369-6603 

* followed by a hands-on workshop Saturday Feb 28, visit my workshops page for more details on this class!


Raw Materials Art Supplies

Sunday Mar 1

Time: 12-2pm

Location: 436 S Main St, Los Angeles, CA 90013

Free to attend, RSVP to reserve your copy of the book ($24.99)

RSVP: (213) 627-7223


Carter Sexton Artist Materials

Monday March 2

Time: 2-4pm

Location: 5308 Laurel Canyon Blvd, Valley Village, CA 

Free to attend, RSVP to reserve your copy of the book ($24.99)

RSVP: (818) 763-5050



The dates for my mid-Atlantic book tour will start mid-March, details coming soon!