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Hummingbirds of Ecuador

Amy Shawley

One of the first stops in Ecuador was the Mindo Cloud Forest - a popular destination for birdwatchers!  It was truly unforgettable spending some time with the hummingbirds there - here are a few of my photos of the little beauties, soon to be turned into paintings!

 Coronia Aterciopelada - Velvet Purple Coronet 


Colaespatula Zamarrito - Booted Racket-tail Hummingbird


Silfo Colilargo - Long Tailed Sylph


Silfo Colilargo - Long Tailed Sylph


Rayito Brillante - Copper Winged/Shining Sunbeam Hummingbird

(this one was actually taken at Termas de Papallacta, not Mindo)


Lesbia Nuna - Green Tailed Trainbearer Hummingbird