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Autumn in Virginia

Amy Shawley

  Wow, October really flew by and what a gorgeous month it was!  After living in Los Angeles for seven years, I got to experience a true Autumn again and have been so delighted by all of the colors changing around me in Virginia!   

Spending so much time in the forest has been greatly inspiring me in my creative process and I recently designed two new molds related to forest textures!  For both molds I'm casting from an original polymer clay "plate" that I stamped and carved, and I just love how this relief sculpture technique has worked into my life!  It's even more exciting to see how these designs come alive with acrylic color for printmaking, here are some images of the test prints I made off of the new molds...

I have a few more molds to design and some structural refining to do, then I will release them for sale to the public!  Stay tuned for release dates - fingers crossed for mid-December!