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Full Swing

Amy Shawley

 After a three month hiatus, teaching season resumed this past weekend!!  I was thrilled to travel to the Visual Arts Center of Richmond and Plaza Art in Rockville, MD to present information about Golden and talk to some great people about paint!  


On Monday I will be lecturing about Golden Paints at The Artists Gallery in Virginia Beach before heading up to Boston and to DC to assist with a couple retailer workshops with Golden.  My first hands-on workshop open to the public in the DC area will be held at Plaza Art in Rockville, MD on October 25 - more info on this class can be found on my workshops page!

Being back in teaching mode has helped relieve some of my post-move anxiety and has my brain fired up to take some personal projects to the next level.  I'm busy outlining some tutorials and videos that I hope to get up on this site and a youtube channel SOON.  I'm also at work now on my big textures book - those that are new to my site, I am writing a book on how to simulate natural textures with acrylic paint (rocks, metals, woods, leaves and lichens).  The sample texture below is from my rocks chapter...


In addition to writing the book (which will be out sometime late November/early December), I'm developing a line of silicone molds that can be used for making textured acrylic skins, stamped polymer clay, plaster casts, and collograph prints.  This has been in the works for awhile so I'm very excited to be closer to a state of completion with the project!  Just last night I finally decided on my first mold design which comes from the rock erosion texture in the above photo...


When I get four designs ready (it's always nice to have a series!), I will be making these available for sale on my website!  I'm aiming for a late October release date, so stay tuned!