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"New" Painting

Amy Shawley


 I've been working on a painting that I started sometime in early 2011 at a live art event.  It started as a graphite drawing done over wood that I primed then prepared with a ground made from Titanium White and Quinacridone Nickel Azo/Gold mixed with Super Loaded Matte Medium.  This project started very "loose" and broke away from the typical formula for painting that I'd grown comfortable with.  For some reason I'm less afraid to try new things on this surface...  


All of my under painted layers were created with Fluid and Heavybody acrylics...with sparsely applied Clear Granular Gel and Crackle Paste showing up here and there in the background.



At some point I realized that I would have the need for a slow dry paint, so I switched to the OPEN acrylics for my next layers, and they've really been a dream to work with for creating smooth blends with my flesh tones... while maintaining that meditative painting experience that you would have with an oil based paint.




These ladies still need a lot of work and are slowly "getting there"...stay tuned on their progress!