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Impressing and Stamping to Create Texture

Amy Shawley


Another simple but dramatic way to incorporate textures into your creative projects is to stamp with or impress objects into your colors, pastes and gels.  The action of pressing into a wet material will also create a bit of randomness in how your shape you release your object or stamp, your acrylic medium will left with varying peaks from where it clung to the stamp/object.  Here are a couple examples:



Above is a board made with a "fossil-like" effect using a feather impressed into wet Molding Paste (that was applied first with a palette knife).  When the Molding Paste was dry, it was then embellished with color.   



This second example involved using a stamp, but the material  (Fiber Paste) was applied directly to the stamp, giving the stamped paste a more refined edge.  After the Fiber Paste was dry, color was added to the whole surface.  Due to its absorbency, the Fiber Paste surface was treated with a fluid acrylic wash to really amplify its fibrous texture.