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Happy Holidays!

Amy Shawley

Warm Greetings Blog Readers!

I just returned from a really wonderful trip back east spending time with my family on their farm in Virginia!  We relaxed by the fire, played with the family black lab "Trace", ate well, and laughed much.  I'm so thankful for my family and the time I get to spend with them!  The trip went by WAY too fast, but I am excited to be back in the studio cooking up new projects and blog ideas.  The quiet of the Virginia countryside creates a lot of head space, so I did a lot of brainstorming while away and have many fun things in store for 2012. 

The biggest addition to the blog will be... VIDEOS!  I'm putting together short videos that will be posted at the start of each month, the blogs that follow will support the ideas in the videos and will provide more info on each project.

I've also updated my workshop schedule for January through March.  You will see some of my usual offerings as well as a variety of new workshops!  In February I'll be starting a "Focus on Color" series that will concentrate on specific color families so that you can sharpen your knowledge of color and expand your color palette with some pigments you have used yet!  Make sure to register early to secure your spot for workshops and remember there is a discount if you pre-pay for two or more classes!

The Women's Group Meetings will resume in January and will be held on the third Sunday of every month fro 2-4pm.  If you are local to LA and haven't come to one of these gatherings at my studio, please stop by!  The meetings are designed as a forum for discussion amongst creative women and also as a way to establish an "off-line" community to connect with other local artists and crafters!

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful holiday season, I wish you all the best of wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!  I'll see you in 2012!

