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November's Blog Theme is...

Amy Shawley

Before I went out and enjoyed this crisp fall day, I put on a couple long sleeve shirts, my fleece and a cozy scarf...I am definitely someone who likes to layer, with my wardrobe AND my painting, so I thought this would be a fun blog theme to explore: Creating Layers!

I've always been a huge fan of making my artwork with several layers of color and texture.  It has certainly been a process of trial and error as I work things out on my substrate, and I've had my fair share of happy accidents along the way!  A lot of folks I talk to haven't painted in layers, rather created their image with one plane of color because they aren't aware of some of the exciting possibilities that acrylic products provide.  Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing some fun ideas for how to create layers in your work (some simple and others more complex) while addressing issues of opacity/transparency, sheen and texture.

Stay tuned!