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Catching Up

Amy Shawley

It's been a flurry of activity these past few weeks with workshops, holiday-project-making, Thanksgiving celebrations and day-to-day tasks.  Sadly, I've fallen behind with my blog again but after my internet absence, I have many fun items to share!

This weekend I took part in the GMVA Holiday Craft Fair in Glennville, is an event I started doing with my aunt a few years back that takes place in the Glennville veterans hall with the booth fees used as a fundraiser for the veteran's association.  In the past we've had 20 or so vendors, but this weekend there were 32 and the hall was bustling with great energy!

My aunt Pam (who runs Wildflowers by Design in Bakersfield) and I shared a booth and were fortunate to be situated next to one of my favorite artisans, Dora Griffin...she and her husband make jewelry from silverware, I bought a few of their spoon rings a couple years back at another show.  One of the rings I have was made from a set of wedding silver that belonged to a couple stationed in Pearl Harbor.  I just love how each one of her rings has a history to them!  You can check out her Etsy shop here:

As for my own crafts, the last few weeks I spent turning items like this:



into objects like this:



I designed some packaging items and labels to give everything a more professional look and was very pleased with how it all turned out.  The mood at the craft fair was very positive and I received some great feedback that has been inspiring some new creative ideas!

For anyone interested in handmade holiday gifts with a touch of whimsy, please visit my Etsy shop: twonudesinparis


In other arts and crafts news, on Saturday December 11 I will have a couple of my ornaments in a non-traditional Ornaments Art Show that is opening at Balconi Coffee Company at Olympic and Sawtelle in West LA.  If you are local to LA, stop by and check out the show!


I hope all of my readers had a lovely Thanksgiving holiday!


Stay tuned for more blogging as I revisit my experiments with LAYERS...